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Trading Partners

Batho, Norman (United States) - Bicycle related labels.
Braun, Stephan (Germany)
Brus, John (Netherlands)
Cerny, Pavel (Czech Republic) - Collects worldwide beer labels.
Doulton, Michael (Australia)
Hirschler, Michael (Netherlands) - Collects bird-related beer and wine labels.
Kraan, Egon (United States)
Mittenzwey, Steffen (Germany)
Paap, Edzo (Netherlands) - Collects bicycle-related labels.
Peters, Henk (Netherlands) - De Groot van Embdenstraat 10, 7009 JZ Doetinchem, the Netherlands
Steinert, Jens (Germany)
Stransky, Tim (United States)
Treytnar, Dieter (Germany)
Velcicky, Martin (Slovenia)
Vida, Gabor (Hungary) - Collects Christmas/Santa beer labels.
Worm, Christian, Schönbrunnerstrasse 249/8, A-1120 Vienna, Austria
Zoltán, Putnoki, Martfü H-5435, Petöfi S. u. 5., Hungary

Some Useful Sites

lizard4.gif (1112 bytes)THE OPEN DIRECTORY PROJECT - A very useful resource for just about all collectibles.  Has categories for beer coasters, labels, crown caps, bottles, cans, etc.  Register your site here and the information is used by search engines like Lycos, HotBot, etc!

Jörg Bagehorn's Beer Pages
Frank Stumpf's Biermischgetranke Page
Beer Pages on the Web
DeJean's Label Ads

Contacting the Breweries

button3.gif (4147 bytes)Check out the Neunspringe Brauerei site!  It is definitely among my favorites with a very well thought out design that is easy to navigate even if you don't speak German.

The following sources can be helpful if you are interested in contacting any of the breweries to see if they would be kind enough to send you labels:
The German Yellow Pages
The Austrian Yellow Pages
1516 Bier in Deutschland (use the brauereien & biere link)
For other Yellow Pages, try the Swedish phone company's Other Yellow Pages link.

This page last updated on Thursday, July 01, 1999.